Find your story and share it in the service of others.

Find your story and share it in the service of others.

I believe that you are most powerfully positioned to serve the person that you once were. Truly, if it weren't for your transformation, you wouldn't feel ready to serve and others (who feel just like you did), wouldn't be tapping your shoulder! I know that all you need to make the kind of impact that you desire is a little more focus and a lot more application. And that happens to be exactly what this training is for!

Is it time to get serious about supporting?

Enroll Now!

Welcome to our
Foundations Training

Do you envision yourself standing on the stage, starting a podcast, or being the parent that confidently leads your children and their group of friends as they pull up chairs to your kitchen island and ask you for your wisdom and support? Or maybe, you are a teacher, a healer, or a corporate executive that wants so badly to create a bigger impact while sharing all of the things that have led you from pain and trauma in your own life?

The thing that usually stops people for starting OR, before they really achieve their goals is; Not having the proper research and resources, lacking the confidence ( did someone say "imposture syndrome?"), and not having a tried and true, well-organized plan to execute from.

Well..the excuse train can stop here because this training is set up to change all of that!

Ready for your life to change?

I've always believed that our heart knows the way- we just need to get the mind on board.

I've always believed that our heart knows the way- we just need to get the mind on board.

where do you find you are most frustrated?


Sure, meditation and mindfulness have changed YOUR life, but you have been in the "business of convincing" and none of your customers are buying what you're selling. 


You know "what works," but are tired of researching the hows and the whys and would really appreciate if someone could just pull the data together for you.


You realize that you aren't a neuroscientist or a buddhist monk and crave guidance from someone JUST LIKE YOU, who can explain things in a way that is relatable and easily sharable.


OR...You already have a captive audience begging you to teach them but you have NO clue on where to start!

“The Lifestyle Meditation approach to meditation training is revolutionary!”

And by revolutionary, I mean that it doesn’t follow the “guru” model where it’s only available to the few that speak the language. Rather, Mandy’s program empowers anyone wanting to learn more about themselves while also empowering them to make an impact in the lives of others.”

— wes inaba, edmonton

but guess what...

I used to feel the same frustrations!

After my first few yoga trainings, I still found that meditation and mindfulness was being taught in a way that made NO sense for busy life in the western world. This was when I began studying with Dr. Deepak Chopra at the Chopra Centre for Wellbeing. Deepak, Dr. Simon, and Davidji (my teachers), spoke a language that made sense and helped me to integrate the wisdom into my life as a busy mom and athletic trainer.

And yet, there was still a lot of room to move through to make the teachings even more accessible and applicable. so that's when i started lifestyle meditation and wrote my first teacher training.

10 years and 3,000 students later, my heart explodes thinking of the ripple I have created.

Now it's your turn.

In today's fast-paced and demanding world, stress has become an unavoidable part of our lives. However, understanding the science behind stress and learning effective techniques to manage it, is crucial for maintaining a healthy state of mind. In this module, we dive into the fascinating field of stress research and explore the profound impact of meditation on our well-being.

In this module you will learn all about the "5 Basic Needs," and how they play into 99% of the stressful reactions that we have while dissecting the habits, behaviours, and addictions that can result from living in the unconscious loop of chronic stress. Powerful strategies and practices will be introduced that are helpful in both prevention and prescription for a healthier, more mindful life.

Here's What You'll Learn

The Science of Stress

Living Mindfully

module one

module two

The highest need that we all have, beyond any other need, is the need for progress- we need to feel like we are growing and evolving. In this module we discuss the most common block that prevents human beings from moving forward, and conscious strategies for embracing the unknown.

The place where the rubber meets the road!
Share your new knowledge and create wisdom as you learn to weave your own incredible story of transformation into my tried-and-true framework.
Whether you are leading a presentation, teaching a class, or speaking to someone 1-1, this outline is simple, yet extremely successful, and will give you peace of mind so that you can effectively do the same for others.

The Path of Progress

Sharing Meditation

module four

module five

Not all practices are created equal and not all stages of life are best suited to just one. In this module you will learn and experience: movement meditation, breath meditation, 5 senses meditation, and mantra meditation. Together we will learn why, when, where, and how each of these practices can be most effective to achieve a desired result.

Common Practices

module Three


How It Works

Register for the Foundations Training through the link on the website.

First This

Check your email! You will be sent a welcome email with instructions to create an account in our (Kajabi) learning portal.

Then This

Start learning and practicing when you're ready! Each new module is set to open once you've completed the previous one.

Finally, This

“This training was the springboard for my dream job! I know I wouldn't be where I am without it.”

- jillian schecher, edmonton

Kind words


“I took this training thinking I would like to heal others and ended up experiencing the greatest healing for myself.”

- kathryn bader, colorado

Kind words


A year from now you will have wished you started today...

So let's get you started!

One of the most profound things that I've learned in my 20+ years in this field is this:


You're stronger than you think you are. But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your super power to the next level. You just want someone to tell you what works.

You're in the right place.

people aren't looking to you for information (they can find what they need in a simple, online search). they are coming to you for connection, acceptance, and the motivation they need to get back up!

You got this.

Learn the step by step formula for creating and leading powerful ceremonies and rituals for yourself and those you desire to serve!

Sign up today and receive "The Art of Ritual!"


“We are fascinated by the words, but where we meet is in the silence behind them.”

— ram dass

"I just finished the Level 2 training as the pandemic hit. Within 2 weeks, I lost my job, my dad died of a heart attack, and I was isolated in my home. What I learned got me through it all. 18 months later, I am full-time with my previous company, but no longer working in I am the Head of Mindfulness and Well-being!

- Sandy, San Fransisco

“This was the best investment ever and I'm so glad I made it when I did!”



I have been a school teacher for 15 years and have been feeling soooo burnt out! The thing is, I didn't want to quit, but I didn't know what changes to make in order to create more ease and less stress in my classroom. After taking Level 1, I have implemented a few basic strategies that have made a world of difference for me and my students!

- Sarah, Philidelphia

“I mean, there are basically no words! My work has totally changed!”



I'm Mandy, your teacher, sister, friend!

My knowledge comes from years of training (starting in Post Secondary with a specialization in Anatomy, Physiology, and Kinesiology), followed by my Vedic Masters Education at Chopra University. But perhaps what helps me to be the best teacher I can be are the lessons learned while raising 3 kids, opening Canada's first mainstream meditation centre (not as peaceful as it would seem, lol! and navigating marriage for nearly 25 years!  

more about me

Hey there!

My start was pretty bumpy...

Without knowing what it was, I meditated A LOT as a child- it was my way of finding safety inside traumatic situations, and calming myself down when I couldn't sleep at night. For years I had my favourite little practices, but, imagine my surprise when I was in college and my roommates mom came to stay with us and I caught her meditating one morning in the living room. I immediately broke her out of her silence (oops! lol!) and asked her what she was doing. She explained to me that she was a follower of Gurumayi ( the same one that Liz Gilbert talks about in Eat, Pray, Love.) Instantly, my whole life felt validated. She (and my roommate), put language and context to something that I had inherently known my entire life, but felt like such an outsider. This is one reason that I am so passionate about doing the same for others.

The truth is- you already know. All you have to do is remember.

i've always been drawn to meditation

Study at your own pace

Plan based on your learning style


Follow a proven roadmap

This program includes everything you need to create BIG ripples in a shorter period of time.

Even I used to wonder how a program this short and simple could deliver such deep and lasting results as the majority of meditation trainings out there require months (and even years), of learning and application. BUT, the biggest difference here is that you won't spend all of that time stepping out of life to learn about meditation, instead, you will learn the basics of the science, philosophy, and practice while emphasizing the application in real-life. After all, IT'S NOT WHAT YOU KNOW, IT'S HOW YOU APPLY IT.

Creating one very life-changing habit

Aligning more fully to your gifts + talents

Attracting more opportunities to share what you are passionate about

Building a life (and relationships) that align to your values.

Creating and sustaining processes and systems for added efficiency and success.

Feeling more balanced, and rested, and in alignment with what you're wanting to create for your life and work.

If you want THIS to be the year that you *finally* commit to:

Enroll Now

This is for you if:

You are ready to walk your talk ;)

you feel like you've done enough personal work already and only want to teach

you are open to new learning and self-development

you require a more hands-on, in-person experience

you are done feeling stuck and are excited to put in the work to move forward!

It's probably not for you if...

you feel overwhelmed already

Let's Do This!

So what are you waiting for?

Will I receive a certificate?

Once finished the Lifestyle Meditation + Breathwork: Foundations Training, you will receive a certificate of completion. In order to become a Certified Meditation Teacher or Breathwork Facilitator through this academy, you will need to complete either one of the Advanced Trainings.

Frequently Asked Questions

What prerequisites do I need in order to enrol?

The only thing that we require is an open mind and a willingness to learn ;)

What type of support will I receive from the Lifestyle Meditation Academy?

We're glad you asked! We are a small but mighty team who are here to answer all our your questions along the way. And because we are real people, you can email AND call us! We will always do our best to help. You can reach us at:  or
1(780) 233-0686

Is Mandy available for questions? 

Mandy has worked hard to be as thorough as possible with the training and your experience, BUT we all realize that things will come up along the way!
That said, please send your emails our way and we will be sure to get them to her asap!

I'm already an LM Certified Teacher. Should I do this again?

Here's the deal: this training has grown through 10 years of experience and application and neither you, or this training are the same as you once were! (So..umm..we would say, Go for it!!)

Do you offer scholarships or discounts?

We are going to be honest here: the majority of trainings out there are into the thousands of dollars. It was really important to all of us at the LMA that we keep these as accessible as we possibly can. However, if everything in your heart is screaming at you to take this training and finances are too tight, please send us a message and we will do what we can to make it work.


Students who have taken this course


Number of times I cried about that


countries with lma certified teachers


the youngest + the oldest lma certified teachers
shoot me an email

I completely understand. Every dollar invested in yourself and your business is an important one! If there are any outstanding questions or you would like more support, we're here!

Still on the fence?